Advantages/Disadvantages of multimedia

Advantages of Multimedia 

  • User-friendly/ don’t have to use a lot energy to use it
  • It is a multi-sensory. We using our senses when using multimedia like hearing and seeing.
  • It is a comprehensive and interactive.
  • It is flexible. Digitalization, this media can easily be changed to adapt to different situations and audiences.
  • It can be used for a variety of audiences, ranging from one person to the whole group.

Disadvantages of Multimedia 

  • Too much information because it is so easy to use and contain too much information at once this can lead to anxiety.
  • Can lead to health issue like myopia or loss of hearing if using too much or too long. 
  • It can be expensive. The more it offer the pricier it gets
  • Need a powerful computer with large storage
  • There will be Compatibility issues. Because some device does not support a certain features


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